Terry Bison Ranch
Come enjoy a Steak or Burger Fry and our amazing Bison Herd. We look forward to having your motor coach group!
The size of the ranch now is 27,500 acres and stretches into Colorado. It is owned by the Thiel family.
In 1987, Dan Thiel incorporated under the name of Horseshoe Bison, Inc. The company started as a small bison meat distribution and horse trading company. The two things on earth that have always saved Dan when the chips were down, were and still are, horses and bison.
If you notice the logo, the horseshoe is pointing upward. This is so the luck doesn't run out. Today Horseshoe Bison operates as a trail ride and train tour operation. The train operates in both Wyoming and Colorado. The Terry Town Rail Express is Wyoming's only privately owned tourist railroad, and operates on standard gauge rail.
We were sad the day that our great majestic Bison Bull "Tinker Bell" has passed away of old age. He had lived to the ripe ole age of 35 years. Tinker was born in 1975 in North Dakota and was a Champion Bull within the North Dakota Bison Association. Ron Thiel purchased Tinker in 1986 to become the breeding bull for the Terry Bison Ranch. He has been seen by thousands upon thousands of visitors from all over the world. Visitors were marveled by his magnificent size of over 2250 pounds. Countless photos have been taken of him during his 31 years of breeding, and we estimate that he has produced over 1200 calves during his time as a breeder. Tinker had a pretty good life for being a Bison Bull as he relished in all of the attention that he received from all the different people. He has been tremendously missed by all of our returning guest and staff whom have taken good care of him throughout the years. This is the type of animal that will never be replaced as the "Grand Daddy of a Bull" that he always was.
There is a picture of the Memorial that was built over his burial site so that all our guest can still visit him. You can view his Memorial on the daily Train tours.