Supplier Directory

National Duncan Glass Society

National Duncan Glass Society
Business Name: National Duncan Glass Society
Long Business Description:

The Duncan & Miller Glass Museum of Washington, Pa is devoted to preserving and sharing the history of the glass industry of the tristate region centered around Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania throughout the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. While focusing on the story and products of a single largely family owned and operated business, the Duncan & Miller Glass Museum accurately depicts an entire industry and the industrial revolution in America as a whole. Visitors will observe beautiful handmade glassware produced by the residents of Pittsburgh and Washington, PA from 1865 to 1980 and beyond which illustrates the design aesthetic and social customs of the Victorian age to the modernism and casual lifestyle of the mid-twentieth century. Special displays highlight the technology and art of glassmaking with original photographs, tools, and molds, products that span the period of lighting from the kerosene lamp to the electric light fixture, barware from before and after Prohibition, and unusual items commonly found on the Victorian Era table. A period room exhibit features glassware as it would have been used in the American home in the 1930s.

The museum is fully handicapped accessible with copious off-street parking on US Route 19 less than ½ mile from US Route 70/79. Open 11am to 4pm, Thursday through Sunday from April through December, and by appointment, the museum can accommodate groups up to 50 with prior arrangement to assure an adequate number of docents. Tours can be customized to excite the interest of any age from 5 to 105. A gift shop featuring both antique glassware and contemporary art glass completes the visitor experience.

Business Website Address:
  • National Duncan Glass Society
  • National Duncan Glass Society
  • National Duncan Glass Society
  • National Duncan Glass Society

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Bus Tours Magazine
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Polo, IL 61064
Phone: (815) 946-2341
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